- KNMB provides a reimbursed only grant program.
- Grant recipients will be mailed a Grant Voucher authorizing expenditure up to the grant amount funded.
- Recipients will make their purchases according to the itemized propose approved budget that was presented in the original application or according to those items that the grant committee approved.
- If there are changes to your original budget, approval must be received from KNMB Grant Chair to retain eligibility for reimbursement.
- After the project is completed, recipients must submit a final completed project report summarizing the project and including the ORIGINAL RECEIPTS BEFORE KNMB will reimburse approved grant expenses.
- ALL Receipts must be originals (not copies) with the vendor/business name, date of purchase and completed transaction.
- If you are having problems with retaining the original receipt, please contact KNMB Grant Chair for instructions.
- Only organizations and entities, NOT individuals, are reimbursed.
- Please submit receipts that reflect KNMB grant purchases ONLY.
- When there are two separate grants and expenses appear on the same receipt, please subtotal each grant separately.
- Do not include personal transactions on your grant receipts.
- PAID RECEIPTS, FINAL GRANT REPORTS AND PHOTOS MUST be submitted to KNMB for reimbursement by the current grant cycle deadline. If any of these are not submitted by the due date, KNMB reserves the right to reallocate grant funds.
- BEFORE and AFTER photographs of the projects, photographs documenting the grant funded activities are mandatory.
- KNMB reserves the right to use any photos submitted for media, publicity or to further the activities of KNMB.
- Before you apply for the KNMB grants, ensure that your project can be completed in the time allotted.
- If, however, you cannot complete your grant in the time frame required, please make sure that you contact KNMB Grant Chair.
- Failure to submit a proper final report by the due date without prior authorization may result in the forfeiture of the grant funding or ineligibility to apply for future KNMB grants.
If your project changes or you can not complete your project or have a requirement for extension, PLEASE contact the KNMB Grant Chair immediately.
If there are changes to your original approved budget, seek approval from the KNMB Grant Chair first, before proceeding with your project.
Thank you for applying to Keep New Mexico Beautiful, Inc., state-wide Beautification and Litter Control Grant Program.
“Beautiful People Keep New Mexico Beautiful”
**NOTE: If you are involved with a public school please contact KNMB directly for the procedure for reimbursement. Personal receipts will not be reimbursed**