How to Volunteer

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Meade

VolunteerbKNMB provides a clearinghouse opportunity for both those that need volunteers, as well as those who want to volunteer around the state. Below, you can find information that is easily accessible and user friendly so that which ever service you wish to utilize, you can find it in one place.

Looking for ways that you can actively make a difference? Scroll through the activities and events under Volunteer Opportunities!

Are you an organization looking for volunteers to work on one time projects or recurring events? Does your activity address the litter control and beautification issues concerning KNMB and its mission? You can post your request on our website! Please go to the Submit Event button and place your Volunteer Opportunity on our calendar.

Or advertise your volunteer group’s availability and resources under Volunteer Organizations.